Dear Anja,
When you first came to our school, “Pradip” was a term without content to me. Step by step I have grasped the daring goal of you, you and Aloka, as follows: to turn the world for thousands of the very poorest inhabitants of this neglected megacity into a better place, can this ever succeed?
Then I met Pradip and the “Women’s Interlink Foundation”, first through your work and later in person, and learned how a small group of persons can actually give back faith in the future. I’m glad for every EURO that we were able to collect at the Dante Secondary School for your wonderfully well thought-out projects.
Whenever I read your reports, Aloka and WIF are present in the way my wife and I have experienced the group. I am particularly pleased about the sustainability of your work, how once sponsored children and young adults come back and how they now to take up work as pre-school teachers right at the place where they have been helped years ago. Immediately the pictures are back and I experience in memory, how all your projects are alive in me and how they improved by your perseverance. I must confess that this fills my eyes with tears of joy!
Heinz Reinhardt OStD A.D.