Thank you very much for your support. Please continue to help us because we can only make sure of the continued success of all the projects because of your donations.
Our work in Germany is completely organised on an honorary/ voluntary basis. Flights to India, accommodation there, printing expenses, postage etc. are paid for privately. There are not any administration expenses in Germany and therefore every Cent is used for the projects in India.
During the last years our expenses for printing the annual report as well as for postage have risen constantly because Pradip – Partner One World expanded and has more donators now. If you are interested in helping us with these administration costs, then use “Pradip-Verwaltung” as keyword on your bank transfer. Only then your donation will be used for postage and printing expenses, too.
If you would like to support the work of Pradip – Partner One World:
Donations Account
Ev. Pfarramt Simbach
IBAN: DE34740618130003251047
Konto-Nr.: 3251047
BLZ 740 618 13
VR-Bank Rottal-Inn
Keyword: “Pradip”
Donation Receipt
If you would like to receive a donation receipt please note your complete address on the transfer document. If you have any questions please contact Anja Fischer or Andrea Müller at Pfarramt in Simbach , Telephone +49 8571-2366.