Von Kumar Ray
- I forgot the year, it was a rainy evening in Nagpur, together with one of my German colleagues I was on the way to a bus stand to visit post earthquake rehabilitation programme in Latur sponsored by BMZ. My colleague introduced her friend Anja, a young woman teacher committed to serve the physically/mentally challenged children in a place near Kolkata, West Bengal. I was really impressed when I realized her commitment/determination about her project. She wanted me to help her to ensure that the funds were properly utilized and achieved the real purpose of benefitting children who are challenged in physical, mental and social dimensions. I agreed to support Anja and to share the responsibility. We began working together initially with nearly 30 children, who were physically and mentally challenged. I am happy to say that over the years almost all of them are now empowered in their own way.
She started supporting Women’s Interlink Foundation (WIF) in Kolkata, through whom she changed the lives of hundreds of children. WIF works with orphan children, street children, children living in slum and children of sex workers. WIF takes care of their education, shelter, nutrition, cultural activities and also their rehabilitation. Anja is also supporting to develop the infrastructure facilities of Familia (A family for those without one) mainly in the area of school building costruction/furnitures/equipments etc.
As an accountant, my role in the variety of projects that Anja supports is to ensure that the funds are being well utilized for the sanctioned purpose. In the larger perspective I feel it is necessary to assess the need for each project and the achievement of the targets and goals. I visit all the centres supported by Anja and am very satisfied and happy that there are excellent transparency and in built systems of monitoring and assessment. Her support has resulted in bringing about visible change in the lives of the underprivileged that Anja supports.
Personally I have a very good and cordial relationship with Anja. We can freely discuss/exchange our views which in turn help Anja to take a right and meaningful decision.
On the 20 th anniversary of Pradip Partner One World, I express my sincere gratitude, best wishes and heartfelt love to Anja, Frank, her children along with all other friends of Pradip Partner One World.